The most effective ways to help your child avoid cavities is to instill good brushing and flossing habits. Young children can have a hard time properly brushing their teeth, particularly the back molars, putting them at a higher risk for cavities. Even older children that know how to brush their teeth well can get tooth decay. Bacteria can is five times more likely to build up in the small pits (indentations in the tooth) and fissures (natural grooves) simply because they are difficult to reach. This build up can quickly lead to a cavity.


Although toothpaste and fluoride will effectively protect your child’s front teeth, back molars can use an extra level of protection from dental sealants. Sealants are thin plastic coatings applied along the chewing surface of the back molars. They are extremely effective in preventing cavities as they work to prevent bacteria and food from accumulating on the tooth. Sealants can even help stop decay in early stages.

Should Children Get Dental Sealants?


It is believed that dental sealants in children can reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80 percent. Tooth decay is produced after germs in the mouth convert sugars into acid that erode the tooth and result in a cavity.  By covering a small cavity with a dental sealant, you can stop the cavity from spreading and protect the tooth from cavities in the future. According to a study by the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, children without sealants between the ages of 6 and 11 had almost 3 times more cavities than children with sealants.

When Should A Child Get Dental Sealants?

Sealant can be put on permanent molars soon after they erupt in order to best prevent decay from setting in and will last for about ten years.  Typically, the first set of permanent molars will come in when the child is 5-7 years old and the second set will come in between 11-14.  At times, dentists will even recommend sealants for baby teeth to prevent decay and prevent the tooth from falling out prematurely.


Sealants will be checked for wear and tear during routine dental cleanings and exams check ups. Your child’s dentist will check to make sure that the sealant is properly bonded to continue protecting the molar from decay.  Sealants can easily be repaired or replaced if there are any concerns.

How Are Dental Sealants Applied?

First, the teeth will be thoroughly clean and dried. Once dry, an acidic gel is applied to the surface of the teeth to roughen it up making it easier for the sealant to bond to the tooth.  Teeth are rinsed and dried once again and the sealant is carefully brushed onto the chewing surface of the molar making sure that the natural pits and fissures of the tooth are covered. A blue curing light then hardens the sealants and your child’s teeth will be well protected from the risk of decay.

Henderson Dental Sealants For Children

At Adaven Children’s Dentistry, we provide the best dental care possible for your children including dental sealants. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.


Adaven Children’s Dentistry

2843 St. Rose Pkwy Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89052

Phone: (702) 492-1955